The Holiday season is here. It is the time of giving, sharing and bringing out our joy. I see happiness and celebration everywhere. I can see the eyes of little children gleaming and twinkling with enjoyment and expectation as their parents buy the gifts that the kids have wished for. It is certainly a nice time of the year and I feel that I am a child again on December 25th when I open my gifts!
Most of the stamp collectors I am sure are getting Philately related gifts like I am. I mean, what is Christmas without one more addition to our ever expanding collection or what is Christmas without sets of nice thematic folders, right? I think I already know what I am getting this year !
Even better during the holidays are the Christmas stamps that are issued all over the world. I enjoy getting Christmas cards with nice Christmas stamps on the envelope, but the problem nowadays is that many of my friends are opting more and more for e cards and holiday emails. I do not get that many cards like I used to but receiving some of those regular Christmas cards are always enjoyable.
For me, it has been a good year as far as Stamp collection is concerned. I moved to a new country and still trying to collect some stamps from Trinidad and Tobago. I have long list of friends to whom I need to send the stamps from Trinidad and Tobago. I also started blogging recently and I am still learning as I go along. I hope to blog frequently in 2010 with new information, ideas and stories to tell you.
Before I sign off, I would like to wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS, and Happy Holidays. Enjoy the holidays, stay safe, and if you get a free time from your family and friends, think about what you are going to do something new for the year 2010 in terms of collection. I always look forward for the time alone by myself when I go through my collection.
God Bless.
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